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Best Natural Ways for Hair Loss

Beets are not only good to strengthen your hair, but also act as a natural coloring product to hide those few gray hairs.

It is a large part of the physical attraction between men and women. Most of us are constantly looking for ways to do our hair shine or create more volume. The hair namely prevented a major impact on us but also on our self-confidence. Many people have to fight but in reality against hair loss, one of the most common hair problems, but also one of the hardest treatable.

Best Natural Ways for Hair Loss

It is estimated that a fully healthy skull about 100,000 hairs at any time and any day loses about 50 to 100 hairs. When you think you have more hair loss than that, then it might be time to take action and the problem treat. If you wait too long, hair loss may lead to baldness.

Why do you lose your hair?

Many people suffer from hair loss. Several factors can cause the problem. Are some of the main causes of hair loss: 
  • The environment 
    Best Natural Ways for Hair Loss
  • Getting older
  • stress
  • Excessive use of tobacco
  • A lack of certain nutrients 
  • a hormoonimbalans
  • genetic factors
  • An infection of the skull
  • The use of certain chemical products
  • Auto-immune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome, iron deficiency, and other chronic conditions

There is today countless products available to people who suffer from hair loss to help, which prevent the problem gets worse and even former beauty you bring her back. However, it is not necessary to give out your full monthly pay for expensive and time-consuming treatments. Instead, you can use natural products that have the same result, namely a full, healthy and smooth hair.

Massage your head with essential oils

Massaging your scalp and hair with some essential oils is a good way to solve this problem. The oils of improving blood flow to the hair follicles and strengthen the hair roots. Oils that you have to use for this purpose include coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, castor oil, and rosemary oil.

How to use them?
  • One option is to prepare a combination of rosemary oil with one of the aforementioned oils. Rosemary oil namely accelerates the whole process and has a miraculous effect on your hair.
  • Apply the oil on your scalp and massage gently. Use taking a little pressure with your fingers.
  • If you are one such treatment or applied twice a week, you will get the best results.


Fenugreek has become very popular in recent years, thanks to the efficiency in the fight against hair loss. The Fenugreek seeds contain estrogen and other components that are similar to the female hormone, and consequently, also the hair growth is stimulating and recuperate the hair follicles. Contains fenugreek also proteins and nicotinic acid also can grow hair.

Best Natural Ways for Hair Loss
How to use it?
  • Add some Fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and let it steep overnight.
  • In the morning, the seeds are much softer, so you can mash them into a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the paste on your hair and scalp, cover your head with a plastic cap and leave for about forty minutes.
  • Repeat this process for a month every day.

Onion juice

Onion juice contains a large amount of sulfur and thereby helps to improve the blood flow to the follicles, to build these up again, and to reduce any inflammation. Onion juice also contains antibacterial properties against certain scalp infections that cause fighting hair loss.

How to use it?
  • Grate the onion and squeeze out the juice. Apply this juice directly to the scalp. Leave on the then thirty minutes before you wash her enough to avoid unpleasant odors.
  • Another option is to mix three tablespoons of onion juice with two tablespoons aloëveragel. Apply this mixture to your scalp and leave it for half an hour before you rinse it.


Beets are not only a good choice for your body but also for your hair. Beet juice promotes healthy hair growth and slows down hair loss. Beets contain carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins B and C. All these ingredients are essential for healthy and strong hair.

Best Natural Ways for Hair Loss

How to use it?
  • Begin to add to your diet with plenty of beet juice. You can also combine beet juice with other juices such as juice of spinach, lettuce, alfalfa, carrot, cranberry and others.
  • For your hair, you can cook the best beet puree and mix them with a bit of henna. When it forms a smooth paste, bring it to your scalp and let you withdraw the twenty minutes before you rinse it thoroughly. It is important to note that beetroot juice can change the color of your hair. This may of course, also be positive. So you can hide those few gray hairs.

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