Can an Apple a day can Protect Against Obesity?

Green apples help to restore metabolic balance. They fight are high in fiber and thanks to the polyphenol they obesity and help to keep your weight under control.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We've heard it all agree that few things are as healthy to add to our diets. But apples can really help us to prevent obesity? And if so, what apples? We will explain below.

Apples: faithful guardians of our health

 Apple can Protect Against Obesity

There are a lot of good reasons to add apples to your diet. An apple a day is essential to your health. As you probably know can perform this alluring fruit miracle:
  • It is moisturizing, but diuretic to prevent fluid retention.
  • Reduces blood pressure due to the potassium content.
  • Provides plenty of fiber, especially if you eat it raw with the skin.
  • The pectin-containing it protects the intestines.
  • An apple and help the skin in order to prevent certain types of cancer, such as those of the colon.
  • The phytochemicals protect against diabetes and reduce cholesterol.
Nutritionists advised consuming apples with the skin, as this is where most of the pectin and essential phytochemicals worry. So now we know that apples are great for a lot of things, but how they can help us to obesity and the few extra kilos that we occasionally come to fight?

Granny Smith apples and their fat-fighting benefits

 Apple can Protect Against Obesity

In order to prevent obesity is not any kind of apple sufficient. The best kind is known as Granny Smith. These are tasteful green apples with a slight acid flavor, which are an excellent additive for many food products. The investigation where they came to this conclusion, was conducted by a group of scientists from Washington State University. The aim of this study was to explore the best kind of apple to prevent weight gain.

Why are Granny Smith apples so much better than other species? What's the secret? The experts gave us answers to these questions and other important facts in an edition of Food Chemisty:
  • Granny Smith apples contain indigestible components that prevent disorders associated with obesity. This strain contains more polyphenols, dietary fiber, and carbohydrates.
  • This kind of apple also aids in the production of so-called "good" bacteria. These protect the colon to digest against toxins and help fats.
  • Granny Smith apples are more medical and healthier than varieties such as Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious and Braeburn. They are richer in polyphenols and indigestible components which help to control weight gain and obesity.
  • The good bacteria in the colon help us to lose weight, making this kind of apple is a true growth factor for beneficial bacteria. They are healthy and restore metabolic balance. Inflammation will disappear and you will feel fuller and prevent weight gain. A natural wonder that is available to everyone.
Do not wait! Start by eating an apple a day ... and make sure it's Granny Smith!

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